Friday, March 11, 2011

Twist In Babies Bowel


The assailant was arrested and tried for summary. The SNAME councilor calls for an urgent meeting of health, Massimo Russo.
MESSINA - Yet another episode of violence in a garrison duty doctor. A doctor employed by the duty doctor of Floresta, in the night between Monday and Tuesday, has suffered an aggression by a resident in the municipality Operario Nebrodi. The latter had gone to the local medical service because a relative - it seems - was suffering from fever. While the doctor on duty was delivering some drugs, considering that probably was not necessary for the home visit, was attacked by the young man being caught in neck seems to have claimed in every case, the home visit. When the Police intervened, the young worker had already fled but was later reached and arrested on charges of violence in charge of public service. Heal within a few days the bruising to the face and neck encountered at the emergency room of Randazzo. The young offender has been prosecuted for summary yesterday before the Judge of the Court of Patti-sub-office in Sant'Agata di Militello which ordered the precautionary measure of the obligation of signing in barracks twice a week.
face of this episode that occurs after the last regional agreement for the continuity of care was defined types intervention for the prevention of violence at the expense of health workers, the SNAME has distributed through its regional secretary, Giancarlo La Manna, a note of protest addressed to head of health in Sicily.
You can not always predict the reactions of people faced with a denial, but certainly the issue has been addressed so far only on paper.
"Since nothing has been put in place - the statement - of what was agreed in the regional negotiations on the obligations that each Provincial Health Agency should take in terms of minimum security measures for safeguarding the doctors Continuity of care (art. 8a AIR 15-10-2010), i quali svolgendo una professione molto delicata, usurante e pericolosa, ma di grande utilità per i cittadini, non possono essere più lasciati soli a fronteggiare di notte il primo intervento sanitario a scapito della loro incolumità, questa organizzazione sindacale di categoria chiede un incontro urgente ... per discutere la progettazione delle misure di sicurezza dei Presidi di Continuità Assistenziale e le sue modalità attuative».
Dopo l'aggressione del medico di Scicli «i riflettori si sono spenti - continua La Manna -, le dichiarazioni dei politici di turno sono state archiviate e noi Medici del territorio siamo stati lasciati dalle Istituzioni ancora una volta soli».


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