Friday, March 11, 2011

Convertible Two Pan With Cover

118: the new power stations operating in Sicily

of maximum mobility

According to data published in the decree of the Russian Gurs No 9 / 2011, 6.3 million staff costs € 79. ambulances in all of Sicily are intended for advanced rescue, including 25 each for Pa and Ct

PALERMO - The reorganization of the Service di urgenza ed emergenza sanitaria (Sues) in Sicilia è materia vasta e complessa. Dopo esserci occupati martedì scorso degli aspetti salienti da un punto di vista più strettamente economico, contenuti nel documento approvato dall’assessore regionale per la Salute, Massimo Russo, con decreto del 4 febbraio, vediamo adesso in che modo sono state organizzate le cosiddette “centrali operative”.

Si tratta di quattro strutture sovra-provinciali deputate a raccogliere, attraverso il numero unico di emergenza 118, tutte le richieste di intervento per le urgenze-emergenze sanitarie, garantendo e coordinando gli interventi negli ambiti territoriali di competenza, valutandone il grado di criticità e complessità and so putting the individual Sues stations in the area. According to the geographical division, the provinces of Palermo and Trapani will be covered by the operations center at the Civic Hospital of Palermo Arnas, the provinces of Catania, Siracusa and Ragusa will head to the central hospital of the city Cannizzaro Etna, the operations center of 'Hospital of Messina Papardo cover the same province, and finally, the control unit at the Hospital of St. Elias Caltanissetta coordinate the service in the provinces of Enna, Agrigento and Caltanissetta.

The catchment areas were calculated taking into account the number of inhabitants, 5 million throughout the island to which we must add the considerable tourist traffic of about 3 million more admissions during the year mainly concentrated in the summer season in the district of Taormina and the Aeolian Islands.

Regarding personnel, each plant will have a chief medical officer (specialist in anesthesia and intensive care) and six emergency medical planning (Met), to oversee the nursing staff, part of which will be identified as responsible for training, one for the local emergency services on wheel, one for the helicopter and one for information systems and quality, with rotations at least six months. Then provided a coordinator for nurses, at least 2 directors, a computer technician and 2 auxiliary contacts between staff member health. There will also be a coordination of the helicopter and management of supra-provincial and provincial maxi emergencies.

Of the 256 Red Cross ambulances at the disposal of 118 in Sicily, 89 would be allocated to central Palermo, 76 to central Catania, Messina and 41 to 50 in Caltanissetta. Among them, 79 will be allocated to advanced rescue (MSA): 25 a head for central Palermo and Catania, Messina and 10 to 19 in Caltanissetta. Of these 79 / 2, finally, 16 will be operating as "automed": 4-head stations in Palermo and Catania, Messina and 2 to 1 in the remaining six provincial capitals. Subdivisions that Region of Sicily did so by adopting the standard of an MSA each 60 000 inhabitants and an area of \u200b\u200bup to 350 sq km, modeled on the system 118 of Ares Lazio.

As can be seen from the table published on page, it is estimated that the staff of the four core operating costs in a year and 6 million 311 thousand euro, not to mention, however, the technical and administrative staff, whose costs are not published because subject to variations according to the needs of staff in each local.

Article published March 11, 2011
I costi delle centrali operative
The costs of operating stations


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