Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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The doctor on duty in the "prehistory" technological

Unsolved nodes relating to safety and facilities
ROME-The Union of Italian Doctors Smi-launched this week in a poll to sample all the places of continuity of care (ca - emergency medical) of the national territory and it was found that the situation is disastrous from the point of view technology. Only 40% of the seats have been computerized, only 30% have ADSL. 60% of doctors are equipped with the PIN needed to send online certificates of illness, but only because besides being a doctor and also the family doctor. Otherwise the data would be much lower. 10% of white coats has a smart card, but of these 80% failed to obtain accreditation. 50% of doctors substitutes does not have a PIN and Smart Card is confirmed then another fact: the nodes remain unresolved concerning the safety and quality of facilities.
"In light of these data - Onotri Pina explains, national officer of the SMI sector Continuity of care - pur accogliendo con sollievo i contenuti dell’ultima circolare del ministro Brunetta che rettifica e raccoglie le osservazioni dei medici, non possiamo che ribadire l’assurdità dell’obbligatorietà di un nuovo sistema di invio online dei certificati di malattia che non tiene conto della realtà dei nostri servizi sanitari sul territorio. Solo 4 ambulatori su dieci sono informatizzati, solo il 30% ha l’adls, il 50% dei medici sostituti è sprovvisto di pin e smart card. Per tutte queste queste ragioni molti dei punti proposti dallo SMI: esenzioni dalle certificazioni dei medici di guardia, del 118, e delle attività domiciliari, rimangono ancora attuali. Chiederemo agli assessori regionali di tutta Italia che il servizio of continuity of care because he is unable to be relieved of sending online for structural reasons in most cases, and because it is the urgent need for the citizen in the continuity of care. "
"We remain extremely indignant - Onotri claims - the fact that the major concern of policy (government, regions) is to penalize those who provide not sending on-line certificate, while it is quite indifferent to the fact that the doctors on call work often in structural, logistical and security scandalous, subjected to violence and aggression, sometimes, unfortunately, death. In a "civilized country", along with so-called "Revolution" of the certificates online, one might also worry due to modernize the clinics and to protect professionals who work there. Our request, such as doctors and trade unionists, is that our colleagues can work in decent conditions in stations equipped with the appropriate standards about safety. It is a proposal for common sense, yet it remains unfulfilled. "
01.03.2011, Press Release SMI
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