Monday, March 7, 2011

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118 to San Leone, Zambuto scrive all’Assessore Russo

Mayor of Agrigento, Marco Zambuto, yesterday wrote a letter to the Regional Health Massimo Russo to urge the restoration of the permanent service of 118 in San Leone.
This is the text of the note:
"Dear Councillor, I am following
as represented on several occasions and, last autumn, with a petition that has collected about 2,000 signatures, in order to restore emergency services" 118 "in village of San Leone Agrigento always 24 hours a day and not only during the summer.
This location, with an ambulance and three players for over ten years, serving a wide area which includes some localities (San Leone, Villaggio Moses, Villaggio Peruzzo, Cannatello, Zingarello, Villaseta, agglomerated around the SS 640 and 115) on which it is a population of about 25,000 residents during the summer, it becomes much higher for the presence of vacationers and tourists accommodated in several hotels in the area.
In this context they were made until 2008 about 950 operations a year.
Since it was prepared in 2009 for the period from October to May, the reduction of operations of that station in just 12 hours a day occurred in the area a number of events (accident, sudden illness, etc.). that resolved negativamente e che avrebbero potuto avere diverso esito se si fosse avuto un intervento di soccorso più tempestivo.
Torno pertanto, a nome dell’intera comunità agrigentina, a fare appello alla Sua sensibilità perché venga ripristinato il servizio in maniera permanente per evitare che il venir meno di vite umane possa essere addebitato a scelte di apparente riduzione dei costi (nessun risparmio in effetti si realizza, perché i mezzi rimangono comunque a disposizione con i relativi costi, non si ha riduzione del personale, aumentano piuttosto i consumi delle ambulanze che da maggiori distanze debbono comunque coprire le emergenze del territorio).


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