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New 118: 30 million savings for

Quotidiano di Sicilia
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Director Carlo Alberto Truce

of maximum mobility

The decree for the reorganization of the new emergency health emergency system (Sues) Russian councilor. From 166 million in 2009 to 136 in 2011. Cuts to ambulance and helicopter

Tags: Health Massimo Russo, 118

PALERMO - The Health Service of the Sicilian "118" is experiencing, da qualche anno a questa parte, un processo di riordino nell’idea di razionalizzazione mezzi e uomini per ridurre i costi e ottimizzare il servizio. Il 4 febbraio scorso è arrivata la firma dell’assessore regionale al ramo, Massimo Russo, sul decreto di approvazione del documento recante gli interventi di riordino del Sistema di urgenza emergenza sanitaria in Sicilia, gestito dalla Seus, società consortile per azioni a capitale interamente pubblico, costituita il 22 dicembre 2009 tra la Regione siciliana, socio pubblico di maggioranza e le Aziende del Servizio sanitario regionale.

Un Sistema che nel 2010 è costato alla Regione 151 milioni e 244 mila euro e che, secondo l’ultimo decreto, si prevede possa costare, the end of 2011, 136 million and 157 thousand euro (see chart on this page), for a savings of over € 15 million. Already last year had been saved about 15 million cost in 2009 amounted to 166 million and 244 thousand euro. So if at the end of this year, forecasts will be met, the region will be saved in two years and 86 000 € 30 million. A lot of money if you think that the 118 has always been one of the most expensive service to maintain.

This saving touches, in particular, only two items of expenditure incurred: the cost of ambulances and one helicopter. On the first front, the 256 emergency vehicles from the land available in Sicily 2001 in New Sues, 79 are designated for so-called "advanced emergency" (MSA) with a crew of a driver helper, a nurse and a doctor of emergency planning (Met) and the remaining 177 / 2 are defined as "ambulance base , carrying only a driver and a helper.

The economy is in advanced rescue by reducing the crew and the revised schedules. 663 drivers are no longer needed rescuers (equal to 55 stations), allowing you to reduce the burden of the agreement with the Red Cross. So, if the staff in 2009 had cost 77 million and 823 thousand euro, in 2010 it cost 62 million and 823 thousand (15 million less) and this figure will be confirmed again in 2011.

regard, however, the helicopter service that so far has cost € 18 million and 321,000, expired last January 15 the contract with the operator (Ati: Elilario Elilombarda and Italy) who had been entrusted the service will now be co-managed by the regional department of civil protection that will weigh up the costs, with the exception of the variable corresponding to 2,800 flight hours per year, or 3 million and 324 thousand euro, which remain the responsibility of Sues. In this way you can save this year another 15 million euro.

will remain unchanged, however, the cost of staff sanitario di elisoccorso, pari a 1,6 milioni di euro, dovuti ai gettoni di presenza: 33,20 euro l’ora per il medico rianimatore e 18,50 euro l’ora per l’infermiere. Sull’Isola resteranno attive 24 ore su 24, le 5 eliambulanze che stazionano rispettivamente a Palermo (per le province di Palermo e Trapani), Lampedusa (per le Pelagie), Catania (per Catania, Siracusa e Ragusa), Messina e Caltanissetta (per Caltanissetta, Enna e Agrigento).
Articolo pubblicato il 08 marzo 2011


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