Friday, March 11, 2011

Ear Infection Tooth Pain

caught stealing home in the 118 Suspected thief arrested by police

Syracuse, in handcuffs is over thirty-five Alessandro Chiari

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Written by Damian Chiaramonte
Venerdì 11 Marzo 2011 - 19:30
Siracusa  – Stava per mettere a segno un furto nella sede del 118 a Siracusa, ma è stato sorpreso e messo in fuga dagli stessi operatori sanitari. Sono stati poi i poliziotti ad identificare il presunto ladro, finito in manette al termine di un’indagine lampo. Le porte del carcere di Cavadonna si sono spalancate per Alessandro Chiari, 35 anni, vecchia conoscenza delle forze dell’ordine per i suoi precedenti con la giustizia.
Nella foto, Alessandro Chiari
L’uomo si sarebbe intrufolato, intorno alle 11, negli uffici del presidio del 118 Rizza Hospital, Viale Epipoli, having forced a window. The thug had already set up on the ledge of a window to the stolen goods when he was surprised by the return to the office of some health professionals who have managed to put it on the run and save a laptop and some portfolios. The thief did lose track aboard a scooter in place before the arrival of a patrol of flying.
The testimony of witnesses or measurements made at the site of attempted theft, have enabled investigators to quickly conclude the investigation. The alleged thief, in fact, has been found in his home in Algiers street, where the police found and seized two toy guns, no red cap, two 7.65 caliber bullets, an ax, knives, many also generally prohibited and equipment useful for the burglary. The police also recovered two tortoises that man could not justify the origin, so that further investigations have allowed us to verify that a turtle was stolen from a house in Syracuse last August.
Alessandro Chiari was held under arrest on charges of attempted robbery and denounced for the crime of receiving stolen property and illegal possession of weapon ammunition common gun.


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