Monday, March 7, 2011

Tevion Sim Reader Driver Software

«Voli notturni di elicotteri all'ospedale Cannizzaro necessario il ripristino del servizio antincendio»

of Ed 04.03.2011 - Catania - P.. 34 nd
Sicily - 04.03.2011

Note Confsal of Fire

The provincial secretary and the regional secretary of Confsal firefighters, and Vincenzo Parisi Massimo Catalano, in a joint statement urging the restoration of the fire service in the helicopter's operating base! ' Hospital Cannizzaro Catania even at night.
"Considering that on 19 November 2010 - the statement - was published in the Official Gazette of the Sicily Region to change the order of 25 March 2009 on new guidelines on regional emergency medical service emergency-Sues-118. Given that the rule, in particular, alters the point of those lines gljida general operation of the service at the service eliambulanta Hospital Cannizzaro Catania, which was made available only for 12 hours during the day, canceling the service of 12 hours at night. This condition, starting at 8 of 24 February 2011. "
"Given that this has failed, as well as the ambulance service, including the fire service at night, thus making in operating the heliport - continues the statement - is that the writers continue del118 helicopters to land after hours 20 without the necessary service reformulated by the legislation until at 20 '.
"In fact - are still the leaders of Confsal-on February 26, 2011 (night) from Palermo for helicopter transport made no bodies 2 movements are present fire control of Catania, at the request of the pilot, landed Cannizzaro, and without having to set up a paid service. On February 27, 2011 were carried out around 19.30 No 2 movements from Palermo 118 helicopters without an assistant fire landed at Cannon. On February 28 at about 19 118 helicopter from Lampedusa to change without Assistants fire helicopter landed at night Cannizzaro.ln on March 1, 2011 118 helicopter from Messina made no 2 moves to fire workers without Cannizzaro. "
"What - and conclude Parisi Catalano - besides" he pose a serious threat to the safety of personnel elitrasportato and in general for the hospital which is located in the landing pad, rappresenta una gravissima inadempienza da parte della dirigenza dell'Azienda ospedaliera. Pertanto, si chiede di mettere in atto tutte le procedure necessarie a ~ipristinare lo standard di sicurezza».


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