Monday, March 7, 2011

If It Aint Black Take It Back

Ambulanze, il business dei privati Cgil: lavoro nero e malati a rischio

a complaint with the Prosecutor on the crooks behind the phenomenon of the cars blocked dell'Ares 118 ready before departments of hospitals. Accomplices cuts in beds and stretchers for the seizure of the board of

CARLO Picozzi
There is a complaint to the prosecutor that overshadows the crooks behind the phenomenon of ambulances still (even for a day) in the casualty departments of hospitals. Accomplices cuts in beds and the "seizure" of the stretchers on board (because patients can not find a free bed in the hospital), the ambulances are on standby, up to twenty hours straight. The report submitted to the judges has the CGIL Staff: "The detention of the cars of 118", it says, "has created a real business for private companies of relief."

"The public ambulance, "read nell'esposto CGIL," in 2009 were blocked by 200 thousand hours in the third quarter of that year the hours were 42 thousand 251 in the first of 2010, 65 thousand 182, a surge of 50 cent. "And in 2011?" It'll be worse, "provide for the trade unionists." have been used, "said the CGIL, Gianni Nigro," to a growing number of agreements with the private, voluntary associations, but also companies capital. "" We have repeatedly asked to be informed of the cost of the conventions, "said dall'Ares 118, Serge Bussone," but did not arrive by the response. "

Then, armed with indignation and good will, Employees have investigated the credits in Rome: "There are at least twenty five conventions for ambulances," indicates Bussone. Estimated cost "more than two million a year." "Why," asks Nigro, "hospitals do not buy any more stretcher that would save hundreds of thousands of euro?". "So he feeds the insecurity," says Bussey, "is nell'Ares both in enterprises which often are the only personal expenses." "At the expense," to Nigro, "patient safety is threatened by the failure to comply with the Protocols of relief."
From Pisa, the leader of the Democratic Party, Esterino Montino, raises: "With the private ambulance business is done gold: the company hires the 118 individuals the means, perhaps even a norm, a 12 000 euro per month. "" You take a freight ambulances, "replied the direction dell'Ares 118," because that 's company, it being blocked in front of the emergency room, are insufficient. "

" When you rely on others their own performance, "yet Bussone," you should apply for a "single document pay," the certification of the proper performance of contractual obligations: does not appear that the Ares do it with outside firms. "suspect", they say Bussey and Nigro, "that behind this business on the skin of the citizens there is a lot of work in black." Moreover, in Annexes all'esposto, the CGIL expressed doubts on the procedures to award a contract of rescue stations. Contracts A Go Go, then, without transparency or competition. "A Rieti", reports Bussone, "two ambulances providing assistance in exchange for € 501 000 per year, in Ponza, where it remains as a monument to waste a clinic inaugurated with great pomp on the overview of the island, the kiosk was donated to another individual for at least 400 000 euro a year. " Twenty-one stations in the city center were set up in 2006 for the Italian Red Cross, but in the last year, Bussone said, "no communication whatsoever, the agency has assigned fifteen and individuals while maintaining the same compensation, more than six million € a year. " "Non vorremmo", dice Montino, "che l'Ares 118 pagasse sia i privati sia la Croce rossa italiana". "La presidente Polverini, in qualità di commissaria di governo alla Sanità regionale", esorta, "attivi i controlli necessari perché non possono esserci ombre su un'azienda cruciale per la rete dell'Emergenza".


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