Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Humane Society Of The United States

La qualità della vita- Time is a game only children play well

know from Paul long time, for years I skipped in his local eating those wonderful martini cocktails on the runway and at that counter my hair was long and short, my clothes five or € beautiful and sweaty, my face has changed a hundred times as one of my cronies, all inside and outside of the Thermos for ten years to change the skin to leave it out there on the sidewalk, dry, ready to exercise trampled.
Paul has written a book for Christmas when he told me I was happy for him and curious, if you know someone who writes a book that I always talk about things you know yourself, the pages are left in the subway in the morning, while standing waiting for my three stops, a couple of times I had to slide tra le porte mentre si chiudevano perchè ero troppo impegnata a riconoscere Milano, o Ancona, o una città qualsiasi in cui proiettare il mio immaginifico niente, ogni volta trovavo riferimenti mischiati ad altri: le vie si confondevano e convinta di essere nella triste ma potente aura milanese -quasi ferma, quasi squallida ma così necessaria per dipendenza- mi trovavo a casa mia, col finto profumo del mare del porto, i baretti accesi la sera e un altro tipo di malinconia, quella anconetano adriatica, quel vento fortissimo tra le case grigie degli archi, i palazzoni terrorizzanti del piano, la finezza fredda dei quertieri sul mare, i posti nascosti nelle vie in salita e quel gusto di sale, il medioevo fallito del centro storico, i roofs that look from my house and that seems just crazy in front of the elbow and the harbor, this Ankon that makes us all sharp and exposed, with the mistral blowing straight into our faces and uniqueness is breathable, the presumption of being special and with Mount the sea, the beauty and fog in schizophrenia.
not different is the story about Paul, I think, is the hope he can continue to communicate outside the hearing, knowing that something keeps you by the collar back, something heavy and light together, what you are and what you've become , the people you love and you lose, those who give it a name you can not forget "nell'aureola trembling and poisonous" this place made circles, where it seems that all we should meet again, where things change without changing anything, and come back after so long seems to have only slowly absorb all that the city has told us, a brief summary and intense throughout your life.
"I think eventually I gave you a name, it makes me head spin"


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