Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Friday, March 11, 2011

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The assailant was arrested and tried for summary. The SNAME councilor calls for an urgent meeting of health, Massimo Russo.
MESSINA - Yet another episode of violence in a garrison duty doctor. A doctor employed by the duty doctor of Floresta, in the night between Monday and Tuesday, has suffered an aggression by a resident in the municipality Operario Nebrodi. The latter had gone to the local medical service because a relative - it seems - was suffering from fever. While the doctor on duty was delivering some drugs, considering that probably was not necessary for the home visit, was attacked by the young man being caught in neck seems to have claimed in every case, the home visit. When the Police intervened, the young worker had already fled but was later reached and arrested on charges of violence in charge of public service. Heal within a few days the bruising to the face and neck encountered at the emergency room of Randazzo. The young offender has been prosecuted for summary yesterday before the Judge of the Court of Patti-sub-office in Sant'Agata di Militello which ordered the precautionary measure of the obligation of signing in barracks twice a week.
face of this episode that occurs after the last regional agreement for the continuity of care was defined types intervention for the prevention of violence at the expense of health workers, the SNAME has distributed through its regional secretary, Giancarlo La Manna, a note of protest addressed to head of health in Sicily.
You can not always predict the reactions of people faced with a denial, but certainly the issue has been addressed so far only on paper.
"Since nothing has been put in place - the statement - of what was agreed in the regional negotiations on the obligations that each Provincial Health Agency should take in terms of minimum security measures for safeguarding the doctors Continuity of care (art. 8a AIR 15-10-2010), i quali svolgendo una professione molto delicata, usurante e pericolosa, ma di grande utilità per i cittadini, non possono essere più lasciati soli a fronteggiare di notte il primo intervento sanitario a scapito della loro incolumità, questa organizzazione sindacale di categoria chiede un incontro urgente ... per discutere la progettazione delle misure di sicurezza dei Presidi di Continuità Assistenziale e le sue modalità attuative».
Dopo l'aggressione del medico di Scicli «i riflettori si sono spenti - continua La Manna -, le dichiarazioni dei politici di turno sono state archiviate e noi Medici del territorio siamo stati lasciati dalle Istituzioni ancora una volta soli».

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medical doctor on call back the 118 to the ambulance in front of Marina di Ragusa Guard and Red Cross medical

Dipasquale:"Mi auguro che non accadono più episodi del genere"

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Scritto da Felicia Rinzo   
Mercoledì 09 Marzo 2011 - 21:55
alt Ragusa -  L’ambulanza the 118 has returned to stand before the duty doctor of Marina di Ragusa from 19.00 this afternoon. To communicate is the mayor of Dubrovnik In Dipasquale that after learning that there was no ambulance in the Ragusa coastline of 118, is now speaking persons in charge of the service asking for the immediate restoration of the presence of the important means of assistance. Dipasquale, who has already sent a formal communication to the President of the District of Marina di Ragusa
, Angelo La Porta, hopes that such incidents, with the service discovered a lack of resources, do not happen again.

"The ambulance stata tolta perché c’è il brutto vizio di spostare i mezzi quando uno di quelli disponibile va in manutenzione o ha un fermo – spiega Dipasquale – ma lasciare il territorio scoperto non è certo la soluzione migliore. Probabilmente non hanno i mezzi di riserva ma non è possibile tollerare una disorganizzazione del genere. Adesso l’ambulanza è tornata a Marina di Ragusa dopo le sollecitazioni che ho rivolto ai responsabili d’area del servizio ma mi auguro che chi siede ai livelli più alti della centrale operativa del 118 non si giri più dall’altra parte quando accadono fatti del genere”.

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118: "We are a flagship for Health

appreciation for the work of employees and volunteers also testified by the letter of a saved person from their timely rescue. Climate of uncertainty as always happens after June 30
The story Red Cross-118 saw the red-hot situations even in our province in recent weeks, and volunteers and the structures that carry out the rescue service doctor more than ever feel the need to emphasize the goodness and usefulness of the service provided, however, recognized by everyone.
Even in Busto Arsizio There are far more appreciation that the Local Committee of the Red Cross is receiving via Castelfidardo in recent times by the public in the service of 118, by employees and rescue volunteers.
Here is a letter that a citizen in particular, C. Franco, sent to the Local Committee to publicly thank the operators of Christ that saved him:
" want to express my gratitude for the relief work that you have made on me, in my own home, on the night of February 9, 2011 saved by a sudden severe pathology, in a timely manner, competence and human - writes in the letter of the citizen - L to your work intervention was, as always, immediate and attentive, as was already known and as I personally experienced. It 's really a feather in the health area of \u200b\u200bBusto Arsizio. For this I must also publicly reported. Thank you very .
In Lombardy, the Red Cross will continue uninterrupted service for the 118, at least until June 30. After this date all will be called into question. "Never before at this time," write dlala CRI Bustese "citizens are compact, solidarity and unity in expressing gratitude and appreciation to the Red Cross for the important work of 118 employees and Volunteers play with skill and passion. "

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118: the new power stations operating in Sicily

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According to data published in the decree of the Russian Gurs No 9 / 2011, 6.3 million staff costs € 79. ambulances in all of Sicily are intended for advanced rescue, including 25 each for Pa and Ct

PALERMO - The reorganization of the Service di urgenza ed emergenza sanitaria (Sues) in Sicilia è materia vasta e complessa. Dopo esserci occupati martedì scorso degli aspetti salienti da un punto di vista più strettamente economico, contenuti nel documento approvato dall’assessore regionale per la Salute, Massimo Russo, con decreto del 4 febbraio, vediamo adesso in che modo sono state organizzate le cosiddette “centrali operative”.

Si tratta di quattro strutture sovra-provinciali deputate a raccogliere, attraverso il numero unico di emergenza 118, tutte le richieste di intervento per le urgenze-emergenze sanitarie, garantendo e coordinando gli interventi negli ambiti territoriali di competenza, valutandone il grado di criticità e complessità and so putting the individual Sues stations in the area. According to the geographical division, the provinces of Palermo and Trapani will be covered by the operations center at the Civic Hospital of Palermo Arnas, the provinces of Catania, Siracusa and Ragusa will head to the central hospital of the city Cannizzaro Etna, the operations center of 'Hospital of Messina Papardo cover the same province, and finally, the control unit at the Hospital of St. Elias Caltanissetta coordinate the service in the provinces of Enna, Agrigento and Caltanissetta.

The catchment areas were calculated taking into account the number of inhabitants, 5 million throughout the island to which we must add the considerable tourist traffic of about 3 million more admissions during the year mainly concentrated in the summer season in the district of Taormina and the Aeolian Islands.

Regarding personnel, each plant will have a chief medical officer (specialist in anesthesia and intensive care) and six emergency medical planning (Met), to oversee the nursing staff, part of which will be identified as responsible for training, one for the local emergency services on wheel, one for the helicopter and one for information systems and quality, with rotations at least six months. Then provided a coordinator for nurses, at least 2 directors, a computer technician and 2 auxiliary contacts between staff member health. There will also be a coordination of the helicopter and management of supra-provincial and provincial maxi emergencies.

Of the 256 Red Cross ambulances at the disposal of 118 in Sicily, 89 would be allocated to central Palermo, 76 to central Catania, Messina and 41 to 50 in Caltanissetta. Among them, 79 will be allocated to advanced rescue (MSA): 25 a head for central Palermo and Catania, Messina and 10 to 19 in Caltanissetta. Of these 79 / 2, finally, 16 will be operating as "automed": 4-head stations in Palermo and Catania, Messina and 2 to 1 in the remaining six provincial capitals. Subdivisions that Region of Sicily did so by adopting the standard of an MSA each 60 000 inhabitants and an area of \u200b\u200bup to 350 sq km, modeled on the system 118 of Ares Lazio.

As can be seen from the table published on page, it is estimated that the staff of the four core operating costs in a year and 6 million 311 thousand euro, not to mention, however, the technical and administrative staff, whose costs are not published because subject to variations according to the needs of staff in each local.

Article published March 11, 2011
I costi delle centrali operative
The costs of operating stations

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caught stealing home in the 118 Suspected thief arrested by police

Syracuse, in handcuffs is over thirty-five Alessandro Chiari

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Written by Damian Chiaramonte
Venerdì 11 Marzo 2011 - 19:30
Siracusa  – Stava per mettere a segno un furto nella sede del 118 a Siracusa, ma è stato sorpreso e messo in fuga dagli stessi operatori sanitari. Sono stati poi i poliziotti ad identificare il presunto ladro, finito in manette al termine di un’indagine lampo. Le porte del carcere di Cavadonna si sono spalancate per Alessandro Chiari, 35 anni, vecchia conoscenza delle forze dell’ordine per i suoi precedenti con la giustizia.
Nella foto, Alessandro Chiari
L’uomo si sarebbe intrufolato, intorno alle 11, negli uffici del presidio del 118 Rizza Hospital, Viale Epipoli, having forced a window. The thug had already set up on the ledge of a window to the stolen goods when he was surprised by the return to the office of some health professionals who have managed to put it on the run and save a laptop and some portfolios. The thief did lose track aboard a scooter in place before the arrival of a patrol of flying.
The testimony of witnesses or measurements made at the site of attempted theft, have enabled investigators to quickly conclude the investigation. The alleged thief, in fact, has been found in his home in Algiers street, where the police found and seized two toy guns, no red cap, two 7.65 caliber bullets, an ax, knives, many also generally prohibited and equipment useful for the burglary. The police also recovered two tortoises that man could not justify the origin, so that further investigations have allowed us to verify that a turtle was stolen from a house in Syracuse last August.
Alessandro Chiari was held under arrest on charges of attempted robbery and denounced for the crime of receiving stolen property and illegal possession of weapon ammunition common gun.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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New 118: 30 million savings for

Quotidiano di Sicilia
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Director Carlo Alberto Truce

of maximum mobility

The decree for the reorganization of the new emergency health emergency system (Sues) Russian councilor. From 166 million in 2009 to 136 in 2011. Cuts to ambulance and helicopter

Tags: Health Massimo Russo, 118

PALERMO - The Health Service of the Sicilian "118" is experiencing, da qualche anno a questa parte, un processo di riordino nell’idea di razionalizzazione mezzi e uomini per ridurre i costi e ottimizzare il servizio. Il 4 febbraio scorso è arrivata la firma dell’assessore regionale al ramo, Massimo Russo, sul decreto di approvazione del documento recante gli interventi di riordino del Sistema di urgenza emergenza sanitaria in Sicilia, gestito dalla Seus, società consortile per azioni a capitale interamente pubblico, costituita il 22 dicembre 2009 tra la Regione siciliana, socio pubblico di maggioranza e le Aziende del Servizio sanitario regionale.

Un Sistema che nel 2010 è costato alla Regione 151 milioni e 244 mila euro e che, secondo l’ultimo decreto, si prevede possa costare, the end of 2011, 136 million and 157 thousand euro (see chart on this page), for a savings of over € 15 million. Already last year had been saved about 15 million cost in 2009 amounted to 166 million and 244 thousand euro. So if at the end of this year, forecasts will be met, the region will be saved in two years and 86 000 € 30 million. A lot of money if you think that the 118 has always been one of the most expensive service to maintain.

This saving touches, in particular, only two items of expenditure incurred: the cost of ambulances and one helicopter. On the first front, the 256 emergency vehicles from the land available in Sicily 2001 in New Sues, 79 are designated for so-called "advanced emergency" (MSA) with a crew of a driver helper, a nurse and a doctor of emergency planning (Met) and the remaining 177 / 2 are defined as "ambulance base , carrying only a driver and a helper.

The economy is in advanced rescue by reducing the crew and the revised schedules. 663 drivers are no longer needed rescuers (equal to 55 stations), allowing you to reduce the burden of the agreement with the Red Cross. So, if the staff in 2009 had cost 77 million and 823 thousand euro, in 2010 it cost 62 million and 823 thousand (15 million less) and this figure will be confirmed again in 2011.

regard, however, the helicopter service that so far has cost € 18 million and 321,000, expired last January 15 the contract with the operator (Ati: Elilario Elilombarda and Italy) who had been entrusted the service will now be co-managed by the regional department of civil protection that will weigh up the costs, with the exception of the variable corresponding to 2,800 flight hours per year, or 3 million and 324 thousand euro, which remain the responsibility of Sues. In this way you can save this year another 15 million euro.

will remain unchanged, however, the cost of staff sanitario di elisoccorso, pari a 1,6 milioni di euro, dovuti ai gettoni di presenza: 33,20 euro l’ora per il medico rianimatore e 18,50 euro l’ora per l’infermiere. Sull’Isola resteranno attive 24 ore su 24, le 5 eliambulanze che stazionano rispettivamente a Palermo (per le province di Palermo e Trapani), Lampedusa (per le Pelagie), Catania (per Catania, Siracusa e Ragusa), Messina e Caltanissetta (per Caltanissetta, Enna e Agrigento).
Articolo pubblicato il 08 marzo 2011

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Ambulance in Marina di Ragusa, Ilardo: "Absent an essential service" in short

indifference and silence of the political movement Mpa

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Written by Felicia Rinzi
Tuesday, March 8, 2011 - 17:59
alt Ragusa - Al 118 di Marina di Ragusa manca l’ambulanza oramai da diversi giorni. A denunciare lo stato di disagio in cui vivono i cittadini del litorale ragusano è il capogruppo del Pdl Fabrizio Ilardo. “Marina di Ragusa, infatti, - afferma Ilardo - non è nuova a questo genere di penalizzazione. Il servizio sanitario funziona a pieno regime solo durante il periodo estivo, poi viene gradualmente “smantellato” e successivamente ripristinato dall'autunno alla primavera seguente.

Ragionevolmente la strategia è legata al numero di persone che vivono il quartiere, ma la soluzione che sta portando avanti l’Asp mortifica la dignità dei cittadini ragusani che hanno scelto Marina di Ragusa come residenza fissa. Stiamo parlando di circa quattro mila persone che durante l'inverno non possono permettersi di essere vittime di un malore perché l'intervento utile a tutelare la loro salute non sarebbe tempestivo. Sicuramente anche questo rientra in uno dei tanti problemi che deriva dai tagli imposti dall’assessore regionale Massimo Russo ma è anche vero che chi avrebbe la possibilità di risolvere questo problema, e mi rivolgo ai membri del Mpa non sta facendo nulla. Chiedo quindi agli autonomisti di intercedere con il direttore generale dell’Asp, Ettore Gilotta per chiedere chiarimenti sulla situazione di Marina di Ragusa e spero di avere delle risposte prima possibile, non tanto a parole ma con i fatti e cioè restituendo l’ambulanza al 118 del Ragusa coastline.

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car (an Alfa Romeo Mito) caught fire in the center at night, and the rapid intervention of firefighters had prevented the flames from reaching the inside of a big market. It 'happened to Randall in via Pietro Nenni. It was 4 am when the head detachment, Franco Salanitri, received the alarm. A team of firefighters Randazzo, has now arrived on site, just in time for prevent the flames did blow up a window of the supermarket, opening a passage to the flames. The car has obviously been destroyed. BRONTE

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adviser to the three women for the 3 women in the City Council Bronte, Maria De Luca, Angelica and Angelica Prestianni Catania, on the occasion of the celebration of women. A gift was his colleague Councillor Giuseppe Mule, UDC leader, met yesterday in the session. Even the president of the municipal council, Salvatore Gullotta, at the invitation of Councillor Gino Prestianni, addressed the best wishes to the three counselor.
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ADRANO: Via Catena, 1; BELPASSO: Via Roma, 187; BIANCAVILLA: via V. Emanuele, 396; BRONTE: Piazza R. Bonaccorso, 5, Castiglione di Sicilia: Via Marconi, 5; LINGUAGLOSSA: Via Roma, 376 (daytime only); PATERNO '(day): via E. Bellia, 94; Paternò (night): pizza Independence, 30; PIEDIMONTE: via V. Emanuele, 10; RANDAZZO: Via Umberto, 63; ZAFFERANA ETNEA: via V. Emmanuel, 15.

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Unsolved nodes relating to safety and facilities
ROME-The Union of Italian Doctors Smi-launched this week in a poll to sample all the places of continuity of care (ca - emergency medical) of the national territory and it was found that the situation is disastrous from the point of view technology. Only 40% of the seats have been computerized, only 30% have ADSL. 60% of doctors are equipped with the PIN needed to send online certificates of illness, but only because besides being a doctor and also the family doctor. Otherwise the data would be much lower. 10% of white coats has a smart card, but of these 80% failed to obtain accreditation. 50% of doctors substitutes does not have a PIN and Smart Card is confirmed then another fact: the nodes remain unresolved concerning the safety and quality of facilities.
"In light of these data - Onotri Pina explains, national officer of the SMI sector Continuity of care - pur accogliendo con sollievo i contenuti dell’ultima circolare del ministro Brunetta che rettifica e raccoglie le osservazioni dei medici, non possiamo che ribadire l’assurdità dell’obbligatorietà di un nuovo sistema di invio online dei certificati di malattia che non tiene conto della realtà dei nostri servizi sanitari sul territorio. Solo 4 ambulatori su dieci sono informatizzati, solo il 30% ha l’adls, il 50% dei medici sostituti è sprovvisto di pin e smart card. Per tutte queste queste ragioni molti dei punti proposti dallo SMI: esenzioni dalle certificazioni dei medici di guardia, del 118, e delle attività domiciliari, rimangono ancora attuali. Chiederemo agli assessori regionali di tutta Italia che il servizio of continuity of care because he is unable to be relieved of sending online for structural reasons in most cases, and because it is the urgent need for the citizen in the continuity of care. "
"We remain extremely indignant - Onotri claims - the fact that the major concern of policy (government, regions) is to penalize those who provide not sending on-line certificate, while it is quite indifferent to the fact that the doctors on call work often in structural, logistical and security scandalous, subjected to violence and aggression, sometimes, unfortunately, death. In a "civilized country", along with so-called "Revolution" of the certificates online, one might also worry due to modernize the clinics and to protect professionals who work there. Our request, such as doctors and trade unionists, is that our colleagues can work in decent conditions in stations equipped with the appropriate standards about safety. It is a proposal for common sense, yet it remains unfulfilled. "
01.03.2011, Press Release SMI
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health workers : accredited trainers

newspaper of Sicily - 09.03.2011
of Ed 09.03.2011 - pag. 3
Pierangelo Bonanno

The certificate issued by the regional authorities will be valid throughout the national territory. Provided for courses lasting an average of 1000 hours.

The decree of the executive Borsellino has set the book only for the public and accredited private
received 194 bodies of which 36 instances of inadequate requirements

PALERMO - The Official ufficiale della Regione siciliana dell'11 febbraio scorso è stato pubblicato il decreto con oggetto la "modifica parziale del decreto 24 dicembre 2010, relativo alla disciplina per l'istituzione dei corsi di formazione professionale di operatore socio-sanitario".
Il provvedimento è firmato dal dirigente generale del dipartimento per le attività sanitarie ed osservatorio epidemiologico Lucia Borsellino, il cui incarico è stato conferito con il decreto presidenziale n. 312937 del 29 dicembre 2010. Il dipartimento è stato istituito con la legge regiqnale n. 19 del 2008, che ha ad oggetto le norme per la riorganizzazione dei dipartimenti regionali, ordinamento del governo e dell'amministrazione regionale.
Nel dettaglio il decreto torna on the subject of the training institutions fit for the courses for a professional social workers in the Region of Sicily, the requirements for accreditation bodies had been laid down by Decree No 1328 of May 24, 2010. Previously
any public or private entity was authorized by the Region to provide training for personnel outside the Regional Health Service for the issue of the status of Oss, except for the inter-training center in Palermo professionaie (CIAP), previously authorized by the decrees interassessoriali (health-work) nn. 1062 of 2 August 2007 and February 27, 2008 and 329, with decree of the Health No 330, February 27, 2008 Order No 3162 of December 24, 2010, inter alia, established the register of that regional public bodies and private, accredited to provide training for issuing the certificate, valid throughout the country, operator status and socio-health (OSS). The courses will have an average life 1000 hours god.
The measure last December included among those having a mandate to start the training for socio sariitari testing management institutions and the 'classified hospitals operating in the territory of the Sicilian Region, namely: "Cefpas, Training Centre learning and retraining of personnel of the service healthcare companies in the regional health service (Provincial Health Trusts, Companies hospitals eras, Aoup, the companies of national importance to highly skilled Institutes of hospitalization and care of a scientific nature), and testing management institutions and classified hospitals operating in the Region of Sicily.
The decree noted that applications received by agencies are a total number of 194, held that as a result of the verification are excluded from No 36 subjects for the presentation of instances fails to produce the necessary documents for verification requirements.
Subsequently, the Department will define the 'organization of courses, educational activities, entry requirements, the number of people to form and the number of courses to be activated on a provincial basis, as well as quantification of costs.
The book will be published in the website: http://pti.regione.sicilia. com / portal / page / portal / PIRPORTALE / PIRLaNuovaStrutturaRegionaZe / PIRAssessoratoSalute.

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Health: program "safe childbirth" ok from the State-Regions Conference ·

Quotidiano di Sicilia - 09.03.2011
Ed. del 09.03.2011 - pag. 3
Liliana Rosano

Carta dei servizi, integrazione territorio-ospedale, direttive gravidanza fisiologica

Unee guida aVviate rongiuntamente a livello nazionale, regionale e locale
PALERMO - Anche la Sicilia in linea con il programma per il parto sicuro approvato dalla Conferenza Stato-Regioni, elaborato dal Ministero della Salute e articolato in dieci indirizzi d'azione. Obiettivi: la promozione e il miglioramento della quality, safety and 'appropriateness of care interventions in the path of birth and reducing Caesarean section.
The guidelines, which will be launched in conjunction with national, regional and local measures to contain health policy and accreditation card services for the birth path, integrated hospital-territory, development of guidelines on normal pregnancy and cesarean section from the SNLG-ISS (National System guidelines .- ISS), development of recommendations and tools for the safety of the birth, the procedure for pain control during labor and delivery, operator training, monitoring and verification activities, an institution di un coordinamento permanente per il percorso nascita.
Per quanto riguarda la gravidanza fisiologica, queste sono le direttive del Ministero: un minimo di quattro visite durante la gravidanza, presa in carico dall'ostetrica, intervento del medico solo in caso di complicazioni, e assistenza durante tutta la gravidanza dagli stessi professionisti. Durante tutta la gravidanza la donna dovrà essere assistita dagli stessi professionisti in modo continuativo.
Nelle linee guida è inoltre stabilito che il numero minimo di visite non potrà essere inferiore a quattro e alla donna dovranno essere date informazioni scritte sul programma delle visite, tempi e contenuti.
Importanti sono anche le indicazioni per il parto sicuro. Uno degli obiettivi quello di razionalizzare/ridurre nell'arco di tre anni i punti nascita con numero di parti inferiore a 1.000 l'anno, prevedendo l'abbinamento per pari complessità di attività delle unità operative ostetrico-ginecologiche con quelle neonatologiche/pediatriche, riconducendo a due i precedenti tre livelli assistenziali, mettendo a regime, contemporaneamente, il sistema di trasposto assistito materno (Stam) e neonatale d'urgenza (Sten).
Precise anche le direttive volte a ridurre il numero dei parti cesarei, particolarmente alto in Sicilia. Nell'Isola infatti, secondo gli ultimi dati del ministero della Salute, la percentuale in Regione si attesta a circa il 53% - nello specifico 53,7% nel 2008 e 53,11% nel 2009 - a fronte di una media National 38.35%. Sicily then limps, even more so considering the 20% target set by the Ministry of Health. The data is weighted by the Sicilian private nursing homes, recognizes the same region, which are record rates sharply higher.
To encourage the appropriateness of care interventions in the birth path and to reduce the caesarean section will be developed clinical pathways-care business, according to the guidelines.

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The Sicilian points to quality health service Permanent

Sicily - 09.03.2011
of Ed 09.03.2011 - pag. 12
Antonio Fiasconaro

objectives Councillor Russo

PALERMO. Should turn the page. And immediately. It should also leave behind the criticisms that have recently switched because of poor service, inconvenience and also "misunderstandings" that have affected the health Sicilian.
to achieve new objectives, the focus on quality. I do strongly believe the commissioner for the Russian Health, yesterday morning, taking part in the conference "Improving quality: a goal of all health professionals," said that "the quest for quality assistance should be the focus of Health Sicilian p, er the coming years and will be divided according to some basic principles: the centrality of citizens' needs, equity, effectiveness, safety, efficiency, accountability, honesty and transparency. "
Russo was categorical: "We will put together the world of professionals - he added - the directors of companies and users. We signed new agreements conjoint international commission for two projects concerning the clinical risk management in companies in the regional health system and the analysis of ER island which will cover logistics, costs, staff, organization, clinical pathways - welfare, quality and health records. "
for Russia, "have passed the economic difficulties linked to the deficit that we inherited, we now have the resources and organization to look at the development of health in terms of quality and clinical governance."
The conference was also attended by Carlo Ramponi, European Director of the Joint Commission InternationaI QCI) and Professor Antonello Zangrandi Joint Commission for the following projects in Sicily performaces of self-assessment of health care companies.
The commissioner for Health also spoke of the quality objectives, "patients should be involved in a consistent manner - he concluded - and organized by the Regional Council, the civic audit and customer satisfaction that allows measuring the satisfaction of patients for health services provided. "